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Do not place your order before reading everything about Osatoshi's work.

Click here to read . It's very important.


To open the form, click on the button corresponding to the type of Osatoshi you want to order.

Osatoshis Online com terapeutas Shinri

Osatoshis à distância pelo site, feitos exclusivamente pela Dra. Choko

Osatoshis de Ativação não serão realizados sem o cumprimento dos pré-requisitos

Osatoshis à distância pelo site

Atividades restritas a membros

ORDER YOUR OSATOSHI HERE (and please read the text below and the tables at the bottom of this page).

New Osatoshi requests will be received only through the website, by filling out the forms indicated below.

Requests for Osatoshi by email will no longer be received.

Dr. Choko Tereza Ito responds personally to emails on only two days a week: Mondays and Thursdays (these are also the days of Osatoshis). She will respond to cases where there are errors in filling Osatoshi's application form, or situations that make it impossible to perform the requested Osatoshi; or, still, when kisha vouchers have not been attached or sent.

Find out which Osatoshi best suits to your needs by clicking HERE.

There are different ways to receive osatoshi;

DISTANCE (click here to learn more)

  1. WITHOUT REPORT - Osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, without issuing a report;

  2. WITH REPORT - Osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, with the issuance of a detailed report;


WITH THERAPIST SERVICE (click here to learn more)

  1. PRESENTIAL - with our accredited therapists, who also do independent work;

  2. ONLINE 1 - via videoconference with the independent therapists of the Shinri Association;

  3. ONLINE 2 - via video conference with the internal therapists of the Shinri Association.


To order osatoshi, please choose one of the forms below. Details and instructions on prayers and thanks are at the bottom of the form.
When completing the filling, click the Submit button. You will receive a confirmation email with the other guidelines.

The details and instructions on filling in are explained in each frame of the form and must be read carefully and filled out correctly, to facilitate the communication and the work of those who will prepare your order so that Osatoshi is done in the most effective way possible.

Regardless of your choice of Osatoshi, the work is carried out by accredited members of Shinri - independent or internal - who have the same training in osatoshi and participate equally in all development and specialization events of the Association.

ORDER YOUR OSATOSHI HERE (and please read the text below and the tables at the bottom of this page).

New Osatoshi requests will be received only through the website, by filling out the forms indicated below.

Requests for Osatoshi by email will no longer be received.

Dr. Choko Tereza Ito responds personally to emails on only two days a week: Mondays and Thursdays (these are also the days of Osatoshis). She will respond to cases where there are errors in filling Osatoshi's application form, or situations that make it impossible to perform the requested Osatoshi; or, still, when kisha vouchers have not been attached or sent.

Find out which Osatoshi best suits to your needs by clicking HERE.

There are different ways to receive osatoshi;

DISTANCE (click here to learn more)

  1. WITHOUT REPORT - Osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, without issuing a report;

  2. WITH REPORT - Osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, with the issuance of a detailed report;


WITH THERAPIST SERVICE (click here to learn more)

  1. PRESENTIAL - with our accredited therapists, who also do independent work;

  2. ONLINE 1 - via videoconference with the independent therapists of the Shinri Association;

  3. ONLINE 2 - via video conference with the internal therapists of the Shinri Association.


To order osatoshi, please choose one of the forms below. Details and instructions on prayers and thanks are at the bottom of the form.
When completing the filling, click the Submit button. You will receive a confirmation email with the other guidelines.

The details and instructions on filling in are explained in each frame of the form and must be read carefully and filled out correctly, to facilitate the communication and the work of those who will prepare your order so that Osatoshi is done in the most effective way possible.

Regardless of your choice of Osatoshi, the work is carried out by accredited members of Shinri - independent or internal - who have the same training in osatoshi and participate equally in all development and specialization events of the Association.



Please read the text below and the tables at the bottom of this page.


Due to the large number of requests for osatoshi and Dr Choko taking care of all of them personally, it is no longer possible to dedicate to responding to emails daily, as osatoshi are a priority and need to be done on time. Therefore, she will dedicate herself to emails on Mondays and Thursdays.


Due to the time difference between Brazil and Thailand, where she resides, the sending of responses to e-mails may extend to Tuesdays, or Fridays, depending on the volume of messages received.

We count on your understanding. Know that as requests for osatoshi arrive, they are forwarded for their preparation and fulfillment, regardless of whether you have already received a personal response from Dr., or not yet. Unless something is irregular in the order, there is no need for Dr. Choko to communicate in advance. Know that she will be taking care of each request with all the affection.

After submitting the osatoshi form, you will receive a response with some information about deadlines. After that you can wait, as your osatoshi is being performed and, shortly after, you will receive a personal email.

Dr. Choko does not use Whatsapp for communications regarding the matters of Shinri Association.



Osatoshis are held every Monday and Thursday of each week.

All orders that arrive until 18h of every 2nd, or 5th will be made on a respective day and the following day, otherwise, they will be made on the next day of osatoshi.

For those who order more than one osatoshi, the repetition will be done weekly. In emergencies, please write in the field of observations and we will advise you on the best interval for the situation. Emergency emergencies can be done on any day of the week (emergency surgeries, emergency or terminal health cases, dangerous situations, accidents).
In these cases, please justify the reason for your urgency on the Osatoshi request form, in the Request Reason field, or in Observations.




FOR THOSE WHO ASK FOR OSATOSHIS FOR MORE PEOPLE OR MATTERS (Ex: 1 personal Osatoshi and 2 Osatoshi for ancestors, or, 1 personal Osatoshi and 1 for the child):

Making bank transfers between different banks has a cost per operation and making multiple transfers can generate a high fee amount. In case it is necessary to make transfers to different types of Osatoshis, you can make a single transfer, with the total value of the sum of all the Osatoshis ordered, and send a single receipt in only one of the forms (or send the same in each form). form, if you wish), as long as you explain that that value corresponds to as many Osatoshis requested and inform which ones are, in the "Observations" field, in the form of each request.

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