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We can ask Osatoshi to save all kinds of deceased people. They are divided into 3 categories:

1- Spirits of deceased people: family members, relatives, friends, aborted babies, etc.
They are individual osatoshis for those we know and want to save and send to heaven.

Usually, with just one Osatoshi we can save a deceased. Very rarely, there are cases where we need more than one Osatoshi, such as, for example, cases of people who were very materialistic and karmic.

Sometimes a deceased person can negatively influence family members, causing various problems and bad behaviors, often based on problems suffered by the deceased himself, when alive, such as: alcoholism, stomach problems, obesity, anorexia, pain in lumbar spine and herniated disc (usually due to aborted babies), among others.

The kisha (thanks) is R $ 35.00 for each Osatoshi without a report. If you wish to receive a descriptive report from Osatoshi, the amount will be R $ 110.00, and the applicant will be able to know where his deceased loved ones were shortly after death, in addition to information about their past lives. Generally, when the deceased enter heaven, they lose their attachment to family members, but some still want to apologize, or talk about something that is bothering them. In that case, there will also be a message from the deceased to his family members.


The information we need to do osatoshi for the deceased is:

  • full name of the person for whom it is requested,

  • date of birth and death (or just the date of death and age),

  • reason for death,

  • some information about what the person was like, how he lived.


If the applicant does not have any of these data, you can enter only the name, or just a way of defining who the person was (so-and-so daughter, aborted baby with sicrana), there will be no problem.

2- Victims of holocaust, or mass accidents:

We can ask Osatoshi for the salvation of all victims of group or mass deaths.

The thanks are also R $ 35.00 and this type of Osatoshi can be repeated, if desired, since not all spirits of these tragedies are allowed to - or manage to - appear in the first osatoshi (or even in the second, or third).



Osatoshis remotely without written result (for any Osatoshi without report, without exception):

  • R $ 35.00 for the first (in the case of a deceased person, it is only one),

  • R $ 35.00 for each repetition (in the case of collective deaths), or

  • R $ 90.00 at once for three consecutive osatoshis (also only for collective deaths).


Osatoshi of deceased people at a distance with written result:

  • R $ 110.00 for deceased osatoshi with message,

  • R $ 80.00 for deceased osatoshi without message,


New orders from Osatoshi will be received only through the website, filling out the forms indicated below.
No more requests for osatoshi sent directly by email will be received.

Find out the type of osatoshi best suited to you by clicking HERE.

There are different ways to receive osatoshi;

DISTANCE (click here to learn more)

  1. WITHOUT REPORT - osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, without issuing a report;

  2. WITH REPORT - osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, with the issuance of a detailed report;


WITH THERAPIST SERVICE (click here to learn more)

  1. PRESENTIAL - with our accredited therapists, who also do independent work;

  2. ONLINE 1 - via videoconference with the independent therapists of the Shinri Association;

  3. ONLINE 2 - via video conference with the internal therapists of the Shinri Association.


To request Osatoshi from deceased people, please fill out the form below. Details and instructions on prayers and thanks are at the bottom of the form.
When you are finished filling out, click the Submit button. You will receive a confirmation email with the other guidelines.

Regardless of your choice of Osatoshi, the work is carried out by accredited members of Shinri - independent or internal - who have the same training in Osatoshi and participate equally in all development and specialization events of the Association.

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