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We have two categories of ancestors:

1- Ancestors responsible for an individual:
There are about 100 ancestors who protect an individual. Sometimes, many of them are in hell, so they don't have the strength to protect their offspring. In this case, osatoshi is requested for all ancestors (maternal and paternal), as thus, there is a greater chance that all (or most of those) responsible will be saved.
The application must include: osatoshi for the ancestors of so and so. Usually only one osatoshi is made, but it can be repeated, as there are spirits that can be at the bottom of hell and these cannot be saved with just one osatoshi.

One can also save other people's ancestors to express gratitude. Or, if you want a person to be interested or to be good to you, that person's ancestors are saved. In such cases, the ancestors will be forever grateful to you and will influence their descendant (s) on your behalf.

2- Ancestors of the paternal and maternal family:
Each person has at least two surnames: that of the paternal family and that of the maternal. In that case, we do osatoshis for these two families. If you have more than two surnames, we should do this for these other families as well. If you have four surnames, you must save the ancestors of these four families. Even if you use only one surname, you can make osatoshis for the ancestors of other families, whose names you do not carry. For example, surnames of your parents' paternal and maternal family (if it is a different surname than yours). Then we recommend asking separately for each branch of the family (paternal and maternal branch), listing in the appropriate field of the form all surnames you know about that branch of the family for which Osatoshi is asked,

We can also save other people's family ancestors to express gratitude. Or if we want a person or the whole family to be interested or to be kind to you, instead of saving the ancestors responsible for that person, we can save the paternal and maternal ancestors, so that more ancestors will remain forever thankful to you and will influence your descendants on your behalf.

We indicate a series of 3 osatoshi for each family, as there are many ancestors and, in one osatoshi, they will not all be saved. 3 osatoshis can be ordered at once, combined in one request, but osatoshis will be performed with a minimum interval of one week between them. You can also order one at a time, each week, until you complete 3, or even order once a month, until you complete 3 osatoshis.

For each osatoshi, a R $ 35.00 thanks is requested. If you want the report to be made, in which you will be informed how many ancestors were saved in each osatoshi and where they were, in addition to what they were causing to the descendants (such as alcoholism problems, stomach problems, etc.), value goes to R $ 80.00.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Generally, ancestors do not harm the descendants, but if any descendant has problems with alcoholism, stomach and intestinal problems (they can even cause cancer), we must think about the possibility of the existence of an ancestor wanting to drink, or very hungry, and we must save them to solve the problem.



Osatoshis remotely without written result (for any Osatoshi without report, without exception):

  • R $ 35.00 for the first,

  • R $ 35.00 for each repetition, or

  • R $ 90.00 at once for three consecutive osatoshis.


Osatoshi of ancestors at a distance with written result:

  • R $ 80.00 for the first osatoshi,

  • R $ 80.00 for each repetition, or

  • R $ 230.00 at once for three consecutive osatoshis.


New orders from Osatoshi will be received only through the website, filling out the forms indicated below.
No more requests for osatoshi sent directly by email will be received.

Find out the type of osatoshi best suited to you by clicking HERE.

There are different ways to receive osatoshi;

DISTANCE (click here to learn more)

  1. WITHOUT REPORT - osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, without issuing a report;

  2. WITH REPORT - osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, with the issuance of a detailed report;


WITH THERAPIST SERVICE (click here to learn more)

  1. PRESENTIAL - with our accredited therapists, who also do independent work;

  2. ONLINE 1 - via videoconference with the independent therapists of the Shinri Association;

  3. ONLINE 2 - via video conference with the internal therapists of the Shinri Association.


To order Osatoshi from ancestors, please fill out the form below. Details and instructions on prayers and thanks are at the bottom of the form.
When you are finished filling out, click the Submit button. You will receive a confirmation email with the other guidelines.

Regardless of your choice of Osatoshi, the work is carried out by accredited members of Shinri - independent or internal - who have the same training in Osatoshi and participate equally in all development and specialization events of the Association.

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