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Osatoshi's experiences (guiding the spirits)


Choko Tereza Ito

I always tried to find the “best way to save and help people”, and I dedicated myself to the study of philosophy, spiritualism, and religions from all over the world.


I studied and practiced a religion where the laying on of hands is used to transmit healing energies for 22 years with great devotion, always trying to help people and expand the teachings in Thailand.


But in the end, I came to the conclusion that there were still many spiritual issues that even this religion was not able to resolve.


It was then that a miracle happened ...



How I met Shinri

Andréa Santos


My name is Andréa Santos and I live in Brazil. My base of religious formation is Catholic. I always believed that God was the origin of everything, but I lacked many answers to some questions, such as whether there was karma, whether there was life after death, whether we would find our loved ones after death, etc. These answers I found in Kardecism. I read everything that could explain to me why the “coincidences” of life. Only the “Spirits' Book” I read twice, among others. I only got a better understanding of the lines between the Bible after I read “The Gospel According to Spiritism”. I started to find answers. But, something was still missing ...



The Experiences of being a follower of the spiritual path Shinri = Kaminori in Kenkyukai

Ranjna Jindal


On June 29, 2009, while watching a television program very late at night, I had unexpectedly very strong vertigo - the symptoms were extreme dizziness caused by the displacement or imbalance of a chemical in the inner ear canal. In a few seconds, it felt like the ceiling in the room was falling on top of me or it was me spinning inside a washing machine. That was one of the most terrifying experiences for me. Although I screamed for help and was being supported by my husband, I still felt that I would fall out of bed directly on the floor...



Concrete Changes in My Life With Shinri



Dear compatriots,


I hope to be able to share my experience with everyone since I got in touch with the Associação Verdade = Lei de Deus.


A year and a half or so ago, I was going through a very difficult phase in my life. I was having family problems, problems at work, financial difficulties, illnesses in the family, and despite trying to stay strong, there were so many problems that I didn't even know where to start to try to solve them ...


My Experience with Shinri

Pure Garcia de Bullen


My name is Pura Garcia Bullen and I am from Venezuela. In 2008, I met Dr. Tereza through Professor Ranjna Jindal when I was practicing Mahikari in Bangkok, Thailand.


At that time, I suffered from a disease called coccygodynia or coccydynia, which is a pain around the coccyx area, better said, at the end of the spine. I had already suffered from this disease for four years. I couldn't sit for more than five minutes, and changing positions, then, was an immensely terrible experience. Changing sides when I was sleeping was an odyssey; and sitting on a plane for hours was a nightmare. During those four years, I tried everything from muscle relaxants, hot water treatment, physiotherapy, and ultrasound, to the most extreme options like steroids.


Miracle, Again!
Choko Tereza Ito
April 5, 2012


Professor Utsumi, members of the Association, webboard readers, thank you, always!

I would like to report yet another wonderful miracle provided by God.

I refer to the miracle that took place last week. Despite knowing that I should report what happened, I kept putting it off, carried away by the rush, when at the beginning of the 'osatoshi' I did a little while ago I had the vision of the Virgin Mary (the god Su, one of the Yotoya gods).

It showed itself as an image, and indicated that I should write the testimony soon ...



Osatoshi Miracles in Mrs. F's Family

Report: Choko Tereza Ito


Mrs. F got to know osatoshi through Andréa's comments, showing an immediate interest in receiving him. The reason is that she, her husband and even her son was in serious trouble.


Her husband had suffered from depression for a long time. He had no spirit to live and said that he wanted to quit work before he even managed to retire. On his days off, he just got excited about leaving home to drink. He was becoming an alcoholic and verbally assaulted his wife and children. Inside the house, they really lived in hell.


Among other health problems, he was still diabetic. Other than that, he still had chronic pain in his right leg that slowly impaired his locomotion ...



Spiritual Elevation of A

Report: Choko Tereza Ito


Ladies and gentlemen, readers of the site, thank you always.


Today, I want to comment on the case of A and the changes that have occurred with your Hontai, or guide goddess.


She lives in Brazil and has been a salesperson at one of the largest jewelry stores in that country for over 25 years. She has only one day off and in high season, she works directly. If you get a good income, your salary is very good, but there are also periods without sales when the salary approaches zero.


For this reason, all salespeople seek better job opportunities. And A, who is the mother of two children, wanted to have weekends free to spend more time with them. In a country with few opportunities like Brazil, she did not know where to work. And so, time passed and I was already 44 years old.


A was shy and did not like to work serving customers, but she put a lot of effort into her work with the family in mind. The family budget was always tight. Her husband was unemployed, he was always at home and could only pay for the supermarket and the monthly condominium ...



My Meeting with Shinri

Arnild Weiss (Anita)


They always say that there are no coincidences, but it was an incredible coincidence that I got in contact with Shinri - Association of Truth according to the Law of God.

I was in Germany when my friend Andréa Santos placed an order for me and nothing is better than being able to help, especially a friend! Returning from the trip, I called Andréa to arrange a lunch or dinner for the delivery of the order. She suggested date and I commented that that day I couldn't because I wanted to go to a lecture at CEMA, Centro Espírita Maria Angélica, a Kardecist Spiritist Center.


Andrea almost fell hard with surprise. I think she never suspected my search for a greater reason to live, a search of mine since the loss of my son, of leukemia at the age of nine, and especially after the emptiness left by the loss of my husband in the year 2000 ...


Osatoshi's Experience in a Shinri Study Class

Arnild Weiss


I had Osatoshi's first experience on the second day of our study class, on a beautiful Sunday in September 2012.


The study class itself was very interesting, but the most interesting thing happened after that when it was my turn to receive osatoshi, in the osatoshi session.


Choko started Osatoshi using Andréa Santos as a mirror.


First, a spirit appeared with a scar on his forehead, and he wanted to be saved, a spirit from another galaxy, unrelated to me. He had been banished from his homeland, and he came because I was the next to sit down to do Osatoshi. He wanted to "catch a ride", he just wanted to be saved; and it got better soon, he looked like a small child, swinging his legs, which didn't reach the floor. He got big and powerful reading Omamori, and he was enjoying our happy group. He left after thanking him, because he wanted to pass in front of everyone.


The spirit that appeared next was my husband. I was really nervous, and Choko asked if he had a message for me. He was facing me, running his hands down my arms, holding my hands, looking into my eyes, saying that he was taking care of our son, that he had to have been through all this (my son died of leukemia, after 4 years old), that he is much stronger than him (father) ...



The Miracles of Osatoshi

Report: Reisui Kinsei


So far we have mostly received requests for osatoshi from sick people who are hospitalized, whose medical treatment is no longer possible, and these requests from family members have contributed to saving patients from suffering.


Watching the suffering of a loved one is very painful for family members.


And, when we receive the order, we start osatoshi in the matrix making the patient's condition improve considerably.


If osatoshi can be performed before difficult surgery, it will produce a good result.


Terminally cancer patients who experience intense suffering feel relief and are able to prolong life for a few more days, being able to talk quietly with family members and thus go in peace.

I will present some cases of osatoshi, a little different ...


Miraculous health recovery with osatoshi

Mylene Altuve


My name is Mylene Altuve and I live in Venezuela.


Since I was very young, I have a strong belief in God. I have also always been very interested in learning about healing practices to help people, which is why I was always looking for books, taking courses, and researching on the internet.


In the last four years, he had been suffering from severe pain in the lower back, problems with kidney stones, constant pain in the urethra and ureters, and, in particular, in the bladder. After the exams, I received a medical diagnosis that I had a vesicular dysfunction. I felt pain in the right side of my abdomen and I consulted a specialist doctor who detected a cyst in the right ovary.


And so, for many months, I had been taking a large number of medications, diuretics, and decreasing the consumption of some foods that, according to doctors, could cause a worsening of my health. In addition, she was also experiencing insomnia and muscle and joint pain, and because of that, she had lost weight and was extremely thin.


In the midst of the health problems that affected me, a feeling of searching emerged and I begged God to help me and give me a light, point out away. May he guide me and teach me how he should guide me about everything that was happening to me. One day, searching the internet, I found an article about experiences that reported the service provided to humanity by Master Utsumi, activities of the Shinri Association, varied testimonies of people who had received wonderful protections and arrangements.




Making dreams come true with Osatoshi

Report: Nathália Moreira Santos


Dear friends, I would like to share with you all the blessings that I have been receiving since I found this wonderful Association that is our Shinri, I believe that by sharing our blessings we are bestowed with more blessings from God.


I have always been looking for a path to self-knowledge and also something that would bring me some answers to my doubts about the world we live in and the spiritual world.


I met Shinri (through a friend named Fátima, who said she knew someone she thought could help me), at a time when I felt lost and there seemed to be no alternatives, I fluctuated a lot between good times and moments when I felt depressed, and often weak, and with increased blood pressure. I even went to doctors to do a battery of tests and nothing was changed. But where did this bad feeling and weak feeling come from? I just wanted to sleep and nothing else, I felt very discouraged. Although I never lacked anything materially, something that bothered me a lot was the fact that I was never able to evolve in my professional life, I went on several interviews with big and very cool companies always reached the end of the process, but it was never the chosen person, many years passed and I never evolved.


I got in touch with Choko Tereza and had the answer of my first osatoshi on December 24, 2014, which was a real Christmas gift for me ...


Eva's Osatoshi

Directed by Andréa Santos on June 25, 2015


1) - Eva appeared. I asked if it was a human spirit, and the answer was yes. I asked again and the answer was confirmed. He repeated the prayer several times until he felt better. He managed to stretch and proved to be a boy. He was not vindictive of anyone. But, his soul was placed inside the body of a cat so that he could pay for the mistakes he made in a past life.


I threw a ball of Light with that spirit's past life so that it could see what it caused to be in those conditions now.


He could see clearly. 'In repeated lives, I have committed the most diverse betrayals, both to my life partners and in my love relationships. I have never, ever been able to be faithful to anyone. In all my previous lives, and remember that I already had three, I never managed to compose myself, I never even managed to learn anything that would make me evolve in the field of gratitude, recognition and I never managed to stop making others suffer my way. return. I have always been ungrateful, imperfect, cruel, impatient, inadequate, imprudent, of difficult genius and extremely impulsive, aggressive, and violent temperament, without measuring the consequences of my actions, nor have I even tried to explain why I have hurt and wounded so many around me. I just acted like that on impulse and for the pleasure of the moment ...


Opportunity to know this wonder that is to refer those who are asking for help.

Report: MariaFrancisca - August 9, 2016


I'm Maria Francisca,

I ordered osatoshi for my grandson, who was very rebellious, quarrelsome, did not learn to read, could not stand the school; was a very troubled child

Today he is a boy that everyone likes, he learned to read; today he is happy to go to school, he is calm, he has completely changed, no longer the same boy. Everyone is surprised by the change and asks what made him change since we had already looked for everything - psychologist, psychiatrist, pedagogue, spiritualist center, priest - and nothing improved; it got worse and worse.

Things are clearing up a lot.

Report by Patrícia Costa Nascimento on August 12, 2016


My personal search started early, as I was lucky to be born into a family where the search for self-knowledge and spirituality was natural. For many years I participated in courses, therapeutic experiences, and spiritualist communities in order to look at personal issues, difficulties, and challenges.

I thought that something was missing, that I did not find in Catholics, in Umbanda, in all the mystical paths that I attended and that contributed a lot to be who I am today!

I arrived at Shinri through a very dear friend, to whom I will be forever grateful!

I was unemployed, desperate, and very far from my spirituality, feeling helpless and aimless. As soon as I entered the classes and started to study and practice the teachings I immediately felt better! I felt safer and could see my goals more clearly and then I was already working ...

Experiences with osatoshi

Reports: Maria Eunice - August 13, 2016

I confess that at the beginning, when a friend commented on osatoshi, I did not give much credibility, as I had just come out of a very traumatic spiritual experience, and today, with more knowledge, I understand that I came to that situation by absorbing the karmas of the people I helped spiritually. I realized that the more I helped people, the more I sank into losses of all kinds.

So, even though I was very afraid, I decided to meet osatoshi! As soon as I received Choko's email, I started to study to understand a little more about Shinri's teachings and I was delighted because I found explanations that I haven't found in 10 years of therapy and spirituality studies.

Osatoshi works for me like something magical. Whenever I ask Choko to treat a problem in osatoshi, I keep watching the situation and, as soon as it is done, I realize that that emotion no longer exists and everything starts to improve instantly. What about osatoshi! Something magical ...

Spiritual healing, the liberation I had!

(anonymous) - September 6, 2016


I met Osatoshi through a friend. At first, I confess that I was suspicious. My religious base is Kardecist Spiritism and even though I believe in spirits, Spirituality, and Reincarnation, in a way, I consider myself skeptical and with a very active rational side. I need some evidence to be able to believe something, to know if something is serious or not.


When I placed my first request for Osatoshi, my problem was severe knee pain from arthrosis. For those who don't know, arthrosis is caused by the lack of cartilage between the joints, and, so far, there is no cure. This problem causes very severe pain, as one bone scrapes the other. In some cases, the pain can even occur with the person lying down ...

Experiences with osatoshi

Testimony by Carla Anahí Ortega Reis - September 2, 2016

My name is Carla Reis.

I met Shinri by a friend and then, I started asking osatoshi to

me and my family.

My problem involved love, mainly, to myself.

Obviously, this was reflected in my relationships, because I used to like the other more than me, being submissive, subservient, and content with little, as if I did not deserve love or would never receive it.


Over time and Osatoshis, my problems were dissolving and I progressed in order to integrate, absorb and reach deeper layers of these lessons and learnings.


Often, a few hours later or immediately after making an osatoshi request I noticed my complaints being resolved ...

Huge improvement in sales.

Report by Marli Affonso on August 29, 2016

Here are my testimonials.


I want to comment on my pet dog, who had very fast-growing cancer and after an Osatoshi and balls of light, she left for the sky quietly.

She had cancer in her back that could not be operated on and grew in about a month and a half. I was already walking with difficulty but still eating well. I ordered an Osatoshi and we talked about it in a class, where Patricia also suggested that I say goodbye and leave her free to leave if she wanted to.

The next day in the morning I talked to her and Edson and I made balls of light too and she was different; he didn't want to eat and went to lie in the part of the kennel where there is soil and grass, and lay down in a relaxed way, on his side, very quiet. Around 10:30 am I went to see her and she was already gone ....

A report of my life before Shinri!

Report by Maria Angélica Marques Gomes on October 5, 2016


I will do the report of my life before Shinri!

I lived badly in my marriage, always dissatisfied and there were constant fights in my house with my husband!


My daughter Lisandra took me to Choko, to take a course that would improve my life a lot! Before that, I started doing Osatoshi, and then I went to take the course!


I was very discouraged with the life I was leading with my husband and children! The children - the two of them - separated from their wives and thus everything became very sad ...

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