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If you are in disharmony or want to get close to someone, you can order the matching osatoshi, which consists of two types of osatoshi:

1- Osatoshi alive spirit:

We regress the souls of the two people who are out of harmony until they reach the life in which they were together. They make amends for that past life, where there have been disagreements, and are reconciled.

The kisha (thanks) for this type of osatoshi is also R $ 35.00. If you wish to receive a description of osatoshi, the amount will be R $ 120.00.

The report is interesting, in the sense that we know when these people lived together and what happened between them. Here we can also find out if the person is a bunkon (powerful spirit, known in the West as Indigo or Crystal), or not. Here we can also find out what the person thinks of you and whether the person is a bunkon or not.

We are a family owned and operated business.

2- Salvation of the ancestors

Along with this harmonization osatoshi, we suggest asking Osatoshi for the salvation of the ancestors of the person with whom we want to harmonize. We can save the ancestors responsible for the person (in this case, you must mark the surnames of both sides, maternal and paternal, in the dedicated space, in the form), or the paternal and maternal ancestors separately, and, better than that, do the salvation of paternal and maternal ancestors 3 times. Thus, a greater number of ancestors will be forever grateful to you and influence your descendants on your behalf.

There are cases where the ancestors of those who ask for osatoshi and those of the other person were enemies. In such cases, the salvation of the ancestors becomes essential.



Osatoshis remotely without written result (for any Osatoshi without the report, without exception):

  • USD 10 for the first,

  • USD 10 for each repetition (no need for repetition of this kind of Osatoshi, unless long after, if needed, and for a different reason),


Osatoshi of harmonization with the written result:

  • US$ 40 for the first 

  • There is no point in making reports for repetitions of the Harmonization Osatoshi among the same 2 people.


New orders from Osatoshi will be received only through the website, filling out the forms indicated below.
No more requests for osatoshi sent directly by email will be received.

Find out the type of osatoshi best suited to you by clicking HERE .

There are different ways to receive osatoshi;

DISTANCE (click here to learn more)

  1. WITHOUT REPORT - osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, without issuing a report;

  2. WITH REPORT - osatoshi is held at the Shinri Association, with the issuance of a detailed report;


WITH THERAPIST SERVICE (click here to learn more)

  1. PRESENTIAL - with our accredited therapists, who also do independent work;

  2. ONLINE 1 - via videoconference with the independent therapists of the Shinri Association;

  3. ONLINE 2 - via video conference with the internal therapists of the Shinri Association.


To order the matching Osatoshi, please fill out the form below . Details and instructions on prayers and thanks are at the bottom of the form.
When you are finished filling out, click the Submit button. You will receive a confirmation email with the other guidelines.

Regardless of your choice of Osatoshi, the work is carried out by accredited members of Shinri - independent or internal - who have the same training in Osatoshi and participate equally in all development and specialization events of the Association.



Mudamos o sistema de envio de relatórios e, atualmente, quem desejar seus Osatoshis com relatório, deverá escolher um de nossos terapeutas relatores, todos bastante experientes, capazes de manter a mesma qualidade oferecida antes pela Shinri. Eles estiveram cuidando de todos os nossos pedidos de Osatoshi durante esses anos, e contam com uma profunda experiência com relatórios.

A mudança operacional aconteceu devido à grande demanda de relatórios e poucos relatores internos, o que causou atrasos e consequente descontentamento de quem pedia o Osatoshi.

Os relatores aqui indicados são todos terapeutas credenciados da Associação Shinri, e estão autorizados, também, a dar atendimentos independentes.

Os pedidos continuam acontecendo, como era antes, apenas os pedidos de Osatoshis com relatórios serão encaminhados ao colaborador escolhido, através do próprio formulário do site, que os mostrará, sempre que for clicada a opção de pedir relatório. 

Ao receber a solicitação, o terapeuta relator entrará em contato com o solicitante, via Whatsapp ou e-mail, de acordo com a preferência indicada, para acertarem prazos e preferência de forma de envio.

Após a realização do(s) relatório(s), os relatores os encaminharão diretamente ao solicitante do(s) Osatoshi(s).

Caso deseje, você poderá ver o perfil de cada um, na página de Terapeutas relatores colaboradores.


Do not place your order before reading everything about Osatoshi's work.

Click here to read . It's very important.

Especially in this osatoshi, of harmonization, because many

people have asked for it, when the most suitable would be the individual.

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